Agencja Pracy Servizi Integrati Polona Sp. z o.o. zajmuję się profesjonalną selekcją i rekrutacją personelu tymczasowego. Posiadamy Certyfikat Wpisu do Rejestru Agencji Zatrudnienia pod nr. 11129 Obecnie dla naszego klienta poszukujemy osób na stanowisko:
Our Agency is recruiting nurses (m/f) for our client,
the NHS Yeovil District Hospital located in the South West of England, in the fascinating Somerset County. Our client have many job positions in a variety of departments, including Trauma and Orthopaedics, Emergency Admission Unit, Surgery and a variety of “Acute Medicine” wards, such as Gastroenterology, Respiratory, Cardiology and Stroke Unit.
In recent years, The Trust has received excellent ratings for both the quality of its services and its financial management. The Trust is proud of its diverse and award-winning nursing team.
Furthermore, as the Yeovil District Hospital is committed to give the best working experience to nurses coming from overseas, the Trust have developed
a range of benefits to make relocation as easy as possible.
Candidate profile:
- Degree in Nursing
- Registration with the NMC initiated or completed
- Intermediate level of English
- Interest to develop career in a public hospital within NHS
- High standards of ethics, initiative, motivation, and professionalism
About the offer:
- Permanent full contract,
- Up to 1000 relocation benefit including, but not limited to:
- Reimbursement of the flight expenses or the UK,
- Reimbursement of the deposit and first 2 months’ rent of any accommodation that you choose,
- Career progression and development opportunities,
- Possibility to start working as pre-registered nurse for your PIN.
If you are preparing for your first working experience abroad, this opportunity is ideal:
Yeovil can be reached easily from the International Airport of Bristol (less than 70 km) with
direct low-cost flights from the major Polish airports. Furthermore, the
Somerset region, with its mild climate, makes the perfect location to enjoy, both the sparkling city life of near
Bath and Bristol, and the beauty of the English country landscape.
Agencja Pracy Servizi Integrati Polonia Sp. z o.o.
Al. Bielska 56/18, 43-100 Tychy
32703 97 61
Prosimy o dopisanie następującej klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na wykorzystanie i przetwarzanie przez firmę Agencja Pracy Servizi Integrati Polonia Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Tychach Al. Bielska 56/18, danych osobowych do celów związanych z procesem rekrutacji oraz udostępnianie danych potencjalnym pracodawcom w ramach prowadzonych procesów rekrutacji zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. (Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.) o Ochronie Danych Osobowych. Przysługuje mi prawo dostępu do moich danych, ich poprawiania oraz usunięcia."